[加分喷雾]He has never done anything in his life but add up figures.他什么事都没做过,除了算加法。?figure 数字[加分喷雾]And that makes him swell up with pride. But he is not a man—he is a mushroom!这使他自命不凡,神气活现。可他不像个人,而是个蘑菇。?swell up 膨胀,感到自豪[加分喷雾]The little prince was now white with rage.小王子此时气得脸色发白。?rage 狂怒——第七章的内容。个别小短语一时不知道怎么翻译。说实话,这一章,我无法和小王子共情,我是个大人啦。#世界车中国造##坚持打卡学英语#
2、the little prince混剪手机音响放大,发现背诵单词停不下来了,直接背完,开启《the little prince》15章。
3、thelittleprince图[烟花]One must not hold it against them.Children should always show great forbearance toward grown-up people.不要责怪他们,孩子们应该对大人们特别宽松。[烟花]For I do not want any one to read my book carelessly.我可不喜欢人们轻率随便地读我的书。[烟花]Perhaps I am a little like the grown-ups. I have had to grow old.我大概和大人们差不多了。我一定是变老了。——仍然是第四章里面的内容。微信读书app是个好工具,遇到不认识的单词,要么看书友的“评价”,要么长按-搜索,翻译就出来了。另外,继续说说看中文版的感受。为什么看中文的时候感觉童趣满满呢?因为翻译不是一板一眼的,比较灵活,而我看英文的时候,缺乏这种转换。#大湾区寻宝##一起学英语##thelittleprince简介#
4、the little prince故事简介#英文阅读 #每天学习一点点
5、the littleprince概要#英文阅读 #每天学习一点点
6、the little prince内容概括[烟花]Abruptly, without anything to lead up to it, and as if the question had been born of long and silent meditation on his problem, he demanded: ……就像对一个问题思索了好久一样,他突然没头没脑的问我:……?abrupt 突然的?lead up to 导致,作为…的准备,使话题(渐渐)转向?meditation 沉思?demand 强调[烟花]A sheep eats anything it finds in its reach.绵羊遇到什么就吃什么。?in its reach 在它的范围内[烟花]At that moment I was very busy trying to unscrew a bolt that had got stuck in my engine.我当时正忙着把发动机上拧得很紧的螺丝拧下来。?unscrew 取下,旋开?bolt 螺栓?stick 动不了,无法移动——第六章的内容。昨天把第六章整体看了一遍,这一章也很好懂。今天又在不查单词的情况下,把第六章看了一遍,明显比昨晚看的时候感觉要简单,可能是因为今天看的时候精神比较好。一鼓作气又把第七章看了一遍,感觉有点难,但尚能接受,不过没法接着看第八章了。看的时候精神很好。写这篇微头的现在,我头晕晕乎乎的,脑袋转不动啦。#2023北京摩展# (1/2)#坚持打卡学英语#