#美景美物方寸间# 【收藏首日封】1995-16 《西藏文物》 特种邮票邮电部于1995年9月1日发行《西藏文物》特种邮票一套四枚,面值共200分.邮票图名分别为:陶罐、宝胄、天体运行图、珍珠曼荼罗。生活在青藏高原,雪山脚下的藏族人民,世世代代创造了具有独特民族风格的、灿烂辉煌的文化艺术,其中的珍贵文物浩如烟海,邮票选取的陶罐是昌都卡若出土的、罕见的新石器时代(公元前3000年)文物;宝胄相传是松赞干布(公元七世纪)当年用过的战盔;天体运行图(清代)是西藏传统绘画-唐卡布画,能推算出准确的藏历历法;珍珠曼荼罗是为纪念十三世达赖喇嘛(1875-1933)而用二十多万颗珍珠和珊瑚串缀成的文物精品。1995-16 Cultural Relics of Tibet -Special StampsThe Ministry ofPosts and Telecommunications issued on Sept.1,1995 a set of 4 specials titled "Cultural Relics of Tibei" in total denomination of200 fen.The stamps depict jar,casque, celestial motion chart, and pearl mandala respectively.Living on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and at the foot of snow mountains, Tibetans have created a splendid culture bearing its own strong national characteristics and a valuable mine ofcultural reiics.Featured on the stamps.the jar (3000B.C.) is a rare item of the New Stone AgeThe casque was from the 7th century.The celestial motion chart (Qing Dynasty)is a traditional Tibetan cloth painting,from which accurate Tibetan calendar can be calculated. The pearl mandala was made to commemorate the 13th Dalai Lama(1875-1933),and it is a fine cultural article studded with more than 200 thousand pearls and corals.首日封、戳设计:张石奇 Designer ofFDC and cancellation: Zhang Shiqi#张石奇简介#
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